Central Asia Tech Law Fellowship
Empowering the Next Generation of Legal and Tech Scholars
Central Asia Tech Law Fellowship for PhD Students, Young Academicians and Early Career Researchers
The Fellowship position and its purpose
Fellowship is inspired by the idea of Central Asia Tech Law.
Central Asia Tech Law or CAT Law is a branch of jurisprudence which seeks to analyze and contextualize the growing impact of technology such as AI, 5G, Cloud Computing, Big Data, AR/VR, Medical Technologies, Privacy and Digitization on the national laws of the Central Asian countries, especially in relation to the technology ethics, regulations, and policy.
The subject matter of “Central Asia Tech Law” includes Technology Law and related fields such as Internet Law, IT Law, Digital Law, LegalTech, FinTech mainly in five countries of the region – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
This branch of law strives to promote glocalized legal mechanism to treat technology as per the demands of the region and in line with international standardization.
The Central Asia Tech Law aims at reinforcing the legal principles and rule of law in the countries of Central Asia in accordance with applicable international standards of technology regulations and by correlating with existing laws without compromising the legal sovereignty of Central Asian Law.
Central Asia Tech Law has following goals
- Facilitating the creation of a common techno- legal space between Central Asian states and increasing the understanding of technology regulations and ethics.
- Promoting Tech Law as a reputable field of Legal Sciences in Central Asia
- Promote efficient digitization of state institutions and public administration services
- Techno- Legal Capacity building of all the stakeholders
The aim of the fellowship is to conduct research on issues related to the relationship between law and the Central Asian Digital Society, with particular attention to present and future challenges deeply affecting Central Asian society.
In the forthcoming years, the Central Asia Tech Law Center will carry out several activities, with particular attention to:
Creating a network with other Research Centers studying similar subjects.
Searching for funds necessary to carry out innovative and far-reaching national and international research projects.
Organizing an annual Conference, at the end of the year, to draw a summary of past year’s research activities and establish research lines for the upcoming year.
Publication editing (books and articles) on relevant topics for the Center in English and other Regional Languages.
Organizing events to bring together legal and technical scholars and experts of Central Asia, in order to carry forward the most challenging and interesting research lines.
Therefore, the Center invites PhD candidates, Young Faculty Members and Tech Enthusiastics to submit a formal request for a Fellowship position (“Fellow”) of the Research Center. We are particularly looking for candidates whose significant professional and/or academic experience revolves around the field of Technology Law.
The principal aim of the call for applications for a Fellowship position is to foster the advancement in the abovementioned research areas.
Applications are open to remote and non-resident candidates. Due to pandemic and Covid, remote research activities are also highly appreciated.
Selected Fellows will be involved in seminar activities of the Center, as well as in one of the research areas mentioned above.
In particular, the Fellow will enjoy the following benefits:
- Constant coordination and dialogue with the entire research team of the Center to ensure a scientific update on the investigated topics
- Participation in internal events and seminars that are only reserved to the research teams of the Center
- Publishing articles or studies through the channels made available by the Center, both online and in print, or other multimedia content (podcasts, videos)
- Being timely updated on the research lines that will be initiated by the researchers of the Center.
The Fellow position will have a duration of 1 (one) year. The position is NOT remunerated in any way.
- Admission requirements
- Submit a curriculum vitae demonstrating significant professional and/or academic experience.
- Provide proof of fluent English language proficiency.
- Application procedure and deadlines; required documentation
- Send applications via email to: ammar@aimoconsultants.com.
- Use PDF format for the application, if possible.
- Submit applications by 11:59 p.m. GTM on April 30, 2022.
- Applicants may be interviewed remotely via video call or in person, based on individual circumstances, at the discretion of the Center’s researchers.
- Announcement of selected Fellows
- The Committee will review the documents submitted by the candidates based on the specified criteria.
- The results of the selection process will be posted on the official website.
- Activities for the first-year Fellows will commence on April 1, 2022, and conclude on June 30, 2023.
- Assignment criteria
For the purposes of awarding the Fellowship position, the following criteria will be considered to generate a ranking list:
- Curriculum vitae (max. points awarded 10)
- English language proficiency (max. points awarded 8);
- Candidate motivations (max. points awarded 12).
Candidates earning at least 18 points will be declared eligible for a position.
Applicants who score at least 18 points will be declared eligible for one position. Given the many activities of the Center, 10 positions are planned for the first year.
- Compliance required after the Fellowship position is awarded
The Fellowship will not be remunerated. Therefore, Fellows shall only be committed to contribute, on a regular basis and in the manner deemed appropriate, to the advancement of research activities in our fields. Any activity of the Fellow must first pass the scrutiny of the Professors of the Center. Any activity of the Fellow shall not harm, in any way, the image of the Center, or the scientific rigor requested.
In particular, the Fellow is expected to take part in the following activities:
- Participation in 1 (one) monthly (online) meeting held by the Director, at which exchanges will be activated regarding the most important updates on the relevant discipline, in particular on community, regional and local issues;
- Publication of a scientific article or content each quarter in venues that will be agreed upon with the research referees;
- Participation in state-of-the-art research and publication activities, such as white papers, patent applications etc.
Selected Fellows will also be strongly encouraged to participate in the following activities:
Every 3 (three) months, the center will conduct an individual evaluation to ascertain whether the above compliance criteria are still met by the selected Fellow.
- Networking activities with other research centers dedicated to the same problems and topics;
- Organization of conferences and/or seminars and/or events and/or workshops.
- Relinquishing or revoking a Fellowship position
If a Fellowship winner, after being awarded, is unable to participate in his or her program due to any personal problems, he or she should simply communicate his or her relinquishment of the title of Fellow.
The title of Fellow will be revoked at the absolute discretion of the Professors for the following reasons: i) inactivity; ii) behaving in violation of the Center’s research lines, required scientific rigor, or the Center’s reputation or image.